Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Application for Awsome

I am the most interesting person in the world. People follow my every will. I have beaten Mr Van Camp in a punctuation contest. Chuck Norris checks his closet for me every night. God prays to me every night. I was at the last supper. I command armies of rodents with my mind. I can turn lead into gold. I have sailed to the ends of the earth. My breed of biologically engineered bears have been successfully trained to use guns.....and nunchaku. I see dead people. When i walk into a bar.... people continue on with their business as usually. I can disappear from human eyes when i see fit to do so.


  1. at the beginning you should say people follow my every word, or every whim, just throughing that out there before you finish this, I will write a more complete comment when you are completely done this.

  2. All four blogs are complete. Pretty good detail in the superpower and cliche assignments. The other two are a bit short. Your ideas are good - give me more. Mechanics are generally strong, but make sure you proofread for obvious errors, such as capitalizing "I".
